Homework and Test Prep Tools 1

Save 30% of time spent on homework completion
and test preparation


Students engage with bitWise SolversTM to understand, visualize, and solve problems in math, physics, and chemistry. These homework helper tools save students time and effort by consolidating all necessary problem-solving tools in one area. With the ease of use, students can understand fundamental concepts, complete homework faster, and score better on tests. These homework helper tools are useful for all students, especially those interested in pursuing honors and AP courses. These solvers are complemented by reference sheets, sample problems, and curated videos that further explain the concepts.

  1. Graphing Calculator
  2. Lines & Slopes
  3. Conic
  4. Matrices & Transformations
  5. Trigonometry
  6. Quadratic Equation
  7. Volume & Area Calculator
  1. Kinematics
  2. Projectile Motion
  3. Force
  4. Momentum
  1. Periodic Table
  2. Balance Chemical Equations


Students engage with bitWise SimulationsTM to form visual associations to interpret advanced concepts in math, physics, and chemistry topics. These homework helper tools provide interactive explorations and simulations to break down difficult problems into easy-to-understand steps. With the ease of use, students can understand fundamental concepts, complete homework faster, and score better on tests. These homework helper tools are useful for all students, especially those interested in pursuing honors and AP courses. These simulations are complemented by additional curated videos and formula reference sheets that further explain the concepts.

  1. Projectile Motion
  2. Collision Simulation
  3. Mass & Spring
  4. Pendulum Lab
  5. Hooke’s Law
  6. Pressure
  7. Wave – Intro


  1. Coulombs Law
  2. Circuit Simulation
  3. Circuit Construction
  4. Atomic Interaction
  5. Capacitance


  1. Optics Simulation
  2. Optics – Bending of Light
  3. Gravity & Orbit

Optics and Astronomy

  1. PH Simulation
  2. Molarity Simulation
  3. Concentration
  4. Acids & Bases

Acids and Bases

  1. Trigonometry Simulation
  2. Quadratics
  3. Curve Fitting
  4. Least-Square Regression
  5. Vector Addition

Algebra and Precalculus

  1. Fractions
  2. Area Models
  3. Operations

Elementary Math